How to make and store a home inventory

If you ever have a home insurance claim, you will quickly realize how valuable a home inventory can be to the claim being processed quickly. A home inventory will give you information about what was lost. At Voi Insurance Solutions LLC in Glendale, CA, we offer our customers more choices and the help they need. 

There are several ways to do a home inventory, but the most common is just with a pad and pen and your phone to take pictures. You can begin in the room of your choice. Write down everything that you see in as much detail as you can. This means brand names where possible and serial numbers for electronics. Open every drawer, cabinet, and closet. 

Take photos of the room from various angles to get as many of the things included in the photo as possible. If you have any receipts or sales slips, they should be attached to the list for the room. Go from room to room in your home and do the same thing. Once you have finished the first floor, go to the second floor if you have one. 

When all the rooms are complete, don’t forget the attic and the basement. Many people store things like their Christmas ornaments in either one of these places. You should also inventory the items stored in your garage and any sheds you may have. 

Once the inventory is complete, it is vital that it be kept in a safe place so that it can survive any peril that may strike. The best place is away from your home. Having a copy of the inventory and photos on the cloud is also a good idea. 

Contact us at Voi Insurance Solutions LLC in Glendale, CA when you need help with your home insurance needs. 

Why All Boaters Need Boat Insurance

When you own a boat, you have responsibilities like driving a car or truck. That’s why boat insurance is so essential if you’re a boater. Accidents can happen in the water, and they often do. This can mean that you owe a considerable amount of money after an accident if you don’t have insurance on your boat. It’s best to get a boat insurance policy as soon as you get your boat and keep it for as long as you own it. This will give you the protection you need to avoid financial ruin if an accident should happen. When you need boat insurance, call us today at Voi Insurance Solutions LLC in Glendale, CA to get started. 

Liability Coverage

Boat insurance works very similarly to auto insurance. One of the most essential parts of the policy is your liability coverage. This may be separated into bodily injury liability and property damage liability. Each of these is important to have in case of an accident. If you don’t have insurance, you would be liable for paying the enormous cost of medical bills and repairs or a replacement for the other boat. With insurance, the policy pays those costs.

Other Coverage

There are other types of coverage that you can get for your boat as well. These include collision insurance. This pays for the damage done to your boat if you are at fault for an accident. This will allow you to get boat repairs or a replacement as needed after an accident. You can get comprehensive coverage as well. This covers the boat when it isn’t on the water. 

Get Boat Insurance 

If your boat isn’t covered, call us at Voi Insurance Solutions LLC in Glendale, CA to learn more.

I only drive my motorcycle on holidays. Do I still need motorcycle insurance?

Motorcycle owners in California are required to purchase motorcycle insurance to drive legally in the state. Our Voi Insurance Solutions LLC team understands that many Glendale, CA motorcycle owners may be unsure of the insurance requirements. As a result, our team is committed to educating drivers and helping them get the insurance they need to drive within the state legally. 

What is Motorcycle Insurance?

Similar to auto insurance, motorcycle insurance provides coverage for repairing or replacing your motorcycle, motorbike, scooter, moped, ATV, or UTV. Motorcycle liability coverage provides liability protection for other drivers and their property if you’re found responsible/liable for an accident that causes damage or personal injury to others. 

I only drive my motorcycle on holidays. Do I still need motorcycle insurance?

You must purchase motorcycle insurance to drive your motorcycle legally. It doesn’t matter how frequently or infrequently you drive your motorcycle. You must have insurance to drive it in any capacity. The state of California requires that all motorcycle drivers carry motorcycle liability coverage in the amount of $15,000 per person for bodily injury coverage and $30,000 per accident. Drivers must also carry $5000 in property damage coverage per accident. You may opt to meet the state minimum insurance requirements and nothing more. However, if you have a motorcycle loan, your lender will likely require full coverage auto insurance, which exceeds the state’s minimum motorcycle requirements for motorcycle owners. Driving without insurance is illegal and comes with heavy fines. If you have questions regarding motorcycle insurance, call us. We’d be happy to help you explore your options. 

Renters insurance FAQs

Insurance can be a confusing topic. If you are looking for renters insurance, here are some questions and answers that you might find helpful.

What are the three major parts of a renters insurance policy?

Three major categories make up a renter insurance policy. The first category is personal possessions. Personal possessions refer to the personal items that you put in your rental, such as electronics, jewelry, clothes, furniture, and much more. The second category is liability. If an accident occurs on your property, liability insurance covers the costs. The last category is additional living expenses. If your rental is deemed unsafe, your insurance can help cover the additional costs of renting a hotel room and the other necessities needed to live.

Is renters insurance a waste of money?

Many people view renters insurance as a waste of money, but it can help if something happens beyond your control. If someone breaks into your home, renters insurance can help you replace your stolen or damaged belongings. A fire could happen, and without renters insurance, replacing everything could get super expensive.

Does renters insurance cover theft while traveling?

You might think that if you are traveling, it would be a waste of money to have renters insurance. The opposite is the case. Did you know that renters insurance can cover theft while you are traveling? If someone breaks into your car or hotel room, your renter’s insurance will help you replace any stolen items. That sounds great, but you might want to check your policy to ensure you are covered.

Contact Voi Insurance Solutions

Contact us for a renters insurance quote at Voi Insurance Solutions LLC in Glendale, CA.

How can umbrella insurance help someone?

When you are in the Glendale, CA area, you will need to consider getting many forms of insurance. A critical form of coverage that people should consider obtaining is umbrella insurance. A quality umbrella insurance plan can help someone in various ways, which could make it a significant investment. There are various important reasons to obtain this support. 

Coverage Against Risks

One of the reasons that people will want to have umbrella coverage is that it can cover more risks. While home or auto will include liability coverage, the scenarios covered by these plans are somewhat limited. If you want more coverage, an umbrella policy is a great option. This is a larger blanket plan that will protect against many liability risks that could arise. 

Further Support for Large Claims

Getting an umbrella plan is also a good idea, offering further support for more significant claims. If you have been involved in a bad accident covered by a home or auto plan, you will have liability coverage up to the policy limit. However, there is always a chance that a big claim could exceed your policy limits. If this occurs, having umbrella coverage is helpful as it offers additional coverage on top of your other policies.  

An umbrella insurance plan can be a good idea if you are in the Glendale, CA area. As there are a lot of situations when it could help you, talking with someone to ensure you get into the right plan is a good idea. If you want coverage here, our Voi Insurance Solutions LLC team can help. We can offer the guidance you need to select a plan to meet your needs. 

I don’t live in a flood zone. Should I carry flood insurance?

Flooding is one of the leading forms of natural destruction in homes and businesses. However, many areas aren’t zoned as areas prone to flooding. This may lead both businesses and homeowners to question whether or not flood insurance is truly a necessity. Our Voi Insurance Solutions LLC team knows that deciding on optional insurance can be difficult and confusing. This is why we’re committed to eliminating the confusion for our Glendale, CA residents.

What is Flood Insurance?

Flood insurance is designed to cover property loss due to flooding. This coverage can pay for the repair or replacement of your home and your belongings. This includes pipes and electrical systems. Flood insurance also pays for clearing and cleaning your home or place of business after a flood.

Should I Carry Flood Insurance?

Perhaps. When you consider the unknown and what’s NOT covered by other insurance policies, flood insurance is most likely a good investment, even if you live in a place that is not prone to flooding. Flooding can occur anywhere, even in places that don’t typically flood. Most home and business owners would be hard-pressed to pay for all the damage caused by flooding out of pocket. As a result, flood insurance is probably a good investment because homeowners and commercial business insurance won’t typically pay for flood damage. You should also keep in mind that flooding is one of the primary causes of property damage and destruction. Investing in insurance that would provide protection for the unexpected may be a good idea. If you have questions about flood insurance and feel that you could benefit from this type of coverage, we’d be happy to talk to you. Call us. We’re standing by.

Why Do You Need Flood Insurance?

When you own a home, there are specific insurance policies that you need to have in place to protect it. One of these is a flood insurance policy. A flood insurance policy protects your home and what is in it against many types of floods. It’s essential to have this insurance for the damage that flooding can do to your home and belongings. Flood insurance is vital for every homeowner to have for this reason. Call us at Voi Insurance Solutions LLC in Glendale, CA when you need a policy for your home.

Home Policies and Floods

Many people don’t think they need a flood insurance policy because they have a good home insurance policy. However, when they have a flood, they quickly find out that home insurance policies don’t cover floods. If you don’t have a flood policy and this happens to you, all of the damage to your home will have to be paid for by you. A flood can even destroy a house and leave it uninhabitable. Without a flood policy, you would have to rebuild it. 

Flood Zones

Some areas are labeled as flood zones, and some areas aren’t. Some people believe that they don’t need this insurance if they don’t live in an area labeled as a flood zone. However, about 20% of all flooding claims come from areas that don’t have the flood label. That means they could come from just about anywhere outside of those zones. When you have flood insurance, you are covered just in case flooding should occur.

Get Flood Insurance

You need to have a flood policy, and we can help. Call us today at Voi Insurance Solutions LLC in Glendale, CA to get started with a flood policy of your own,


How much condo insurance do I need?

When looking for condo insurance, it’s important to understand what you will be expected to pay and what it will cover.

Your policy will list the deductible, which is the amount you have to pay out-of-pocket before your insurance company begins paying claims. You can usually choose a deductible of $500, $1,000, or $2,000. Higher deductibles will lower your premiums but ensure you have enough money saved up in an emergency.

When determining how much condo insurance you need, there are several factors to consider. First, you should assess the value of your belongings and determine how much it would cost to replace them in the event of a loss or disaster.

Another important factor is your liability coverage, which protects you against lawsuits resulting from an accident or injury at your home. Additionally, it would be best to consider whether you want to insure your personal property separately from the condo itself and how much coverage you need for things like flood damage, natural disasters, and vandalism.

It is also important to know the difference between the master policy for the entire complex and your unit policy. The master policy usually includes liability coverage and insurance for the building and common areas.

The unit policy is specific to your individual condo and covers your personal belongings and any damage to your unit. It’s important to make sure that both your master policy and your unit policy are up-to-date so that you have the best protection in case of a loss.

If you have any questions, please call the Voi Insurance Solutions LLC agency today. We are proud to serve the Glendale, CA area.

Earthquake Insurance: Do You Need it?

Like flood damage, your standard home insurance doesn’t protect your home against earthquakes. Luckily, you can purchase stand-alone earthquake insurance from Voi Insurance Solutions LLC to protect your home when landslides or land movements damage your home.

The basics of earthquake insurance

You may be asking why standard home insurance doesn’t cover earthquakes. Unlike a fire or theft, earthquakes will likely affect many people. When you think about the compensation involved, it can easily bankrupt an insurance company. Earthquake insurance is designed to take into account the massive damage that an earthquake would cause.

You might think an earthquake is far from you, but statistics state otherwise. California accounts for about 90% of the country’s earthquakes. Unfortunately, only 10% of California residents have this coverage. This means about 90% of the residents are exposed when landslides or earth movements strike.

Why do I need earthquake insurance?

Earthquakes can’t be accurately predicted, but what you do financially can be. Earthquake insurance cushions you financially when you least expect it. Traditional earthquake insurance covers “pure losses.” This means that your insurer will assess the loss and reimburse you a certain amount — this differs from one policyholder to another.

Ultimately, earthquake insurance covers your dwelling structure and the contents inside. Earthquake insurance compensates you for the loss up to the coverage limit. Better yet, earthquake insurance covers “loss of use.” What does this mean? If an earthquake causes significant damage to your house, this policy pays for additional living expenses you might incur in a hotel or a shelter similar to your home.

Pro-tip: Earthquake insurance may exclude certain assets, like your vehicles, fence, pool, and high-value items. Always check with your insurer to understand your earthquake insurance exclusions.

Earthquake insurance in California

Would you want to protect your home with earthquake insurance? You are on the right track. Don’t hesitate to contact Voi Insurance Solutions LLC for a competitive quote.

Three misconceptions about life insurance

Your life insurance decisions today can affect your family for years to come. That’s why you need to be well informed. We can provide consumers in Glendale, CA with the information they need about life insurance at Voi Insurance Solutions LLC.

The following are three misconceptions about life insurance. 

The life insurance offerings that you get through your employer are enough.

It’s essential to read the fine print when it comes to any life insurance coverage you get from your employer.

While employer-sponsored life insurance plans might offer some financial benefits, they often fall short of the benefits of policies that consumers can purchase independently. 

Those with health issues can’t get life insurance.

Never make hasty assumptions about your ability to acquire life insurance. 

Many consumers with pre-existing health problems can qualify for life insurance if they do some research. You don’t have to be in perfect health to qualify for a good life insurance plan with an affordable monthly premium. 

Life insurance is not necessary.

Too many consumers assume that they don’t need life insurance. Assuming that life insurance is unnecessary can lead to financial disasters for your family.

Unfortunately, you can’t predict the future. However, you can plan for the future by securing the financial well-being of your family with life insurance coverage. Life insurance is necessary for almost any family, so invest in the coverage you need. 

Contact us at Voi Insurance Solutions LLC if you’d like to learn more about life insurance in Glendale, CA. We can provide you with the information you need to secure your family financially.